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The Women's Business Center helps elevate women to business success through education, counseling, networking resources and entrepreneurial training. We are an advocate for women entrepreneurship.

SBA Grant Strategies (In-Person Norfolk)

Thu, Sep 5 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

The Small Business Administration (SBA) employs several grant strategies to support small businesses across various sectors. Primarily, this class will assist you will how to look for grants specific to your business sector, organizing your write ups so you can respond quickly and short cuts and tips. We will touch on many topics that can support you for future searches for private and non-profits. SBA administers grants in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, which provide funding to small businesses engaged in research and development with potential for commercialization. Additionally, the SBA collaborates with other government agencies to offer grants targeted at specific industries or demographics, such as women-owned businesses or those operating in underserved communities. If you are looking for grants, this class is a great place to start!

This in-person, seating is limited.

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 757.683.7150


Women's Business Center at ODU Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
112 Bank Street Norfolk, VA 23510